Helping working people improve training habits, everyday movement, & build confidence in their bodies. #Trainsmarter

Mylestone Coaching [MSC] is an online coaching platform that aims to give your training more structure and take the guesswork away from nutrition.

Using a mixture of experience and researched methods, MSC aims to help you achieve your goals and make movement easier.

Services We Provide


Services We Provide -

  • You will receive an individualised training plan that takes into consideration your environment, your time commitments to training, your goal, and any previous injuries that you may have that could affect your movement.

  • You will be given support through your nutritional journey with different methods to allow you to build a better relationship with food and have a better understanding of nutrition and your dietary needs.

  • This requires you to pick a lift that you want to track and record yourself performing the lift. During a 15-minute time slot, we analyse the lift and make corrections where they are needed.

  • Your weekly progress will be reviewed via video for you to watch and feedback on.

  • In the member’s area, you have access to exclusive resources and to the MSC exercise library.

Client Transformations

“Myles’s natural ability to make you want to work hard is something special and very useful in a coach!”

— Pius Gikunoo